Passive House moisture, reused blackwater and green door locks ...
I profile three of the 10,000 solutions to building a greener world in a short showcase of products from Air Pohoda (the Ultima iERV), Bio-Microbics (the MicroFAST) and Allegion Schlage NDE (Wireless Locks). Each illustrates the great work of creative leadership and skilled R&D.
The Ultima iERV helps manage moisture in ultra-tight Passive House construction, which really matters in damper, colder climates. Bio-Microbics' MicroFAST found a way to use wastewater at a massive building project in the water-scarce United Arab Emirates for non-potable use (otherwise, resource-intensive desalinized water would be needed). And as Schlage NDA applies wireless technologies to centralized security systems, there need not be expensive and wiring and door replacement; hundreds of thousands of buildings can now affordably install smart locking and monitoring systems at a much lower price.
As a business writer, I write about a broad variety of companies and organizations that are doing things that contribute to a smarter economy and better world. Contact me to discuss your communications needs.