What were the reviews?
"'A Guy's Gotta Eat' is a fun, easily digestible book that remains true to the science of health and nutrition. This is not a book about dieting, or a diatribe on what not to eat, but rather a practical guide for men on how to preserve the health, fitness, and attractiveness of youth into later years. As a physician who sees far too many forty-year-old men who have no insight as to why they gained seventeen pounds since graduating from college, I highly recommend this book."— David G. Fairchild, M.D., M.P.H., Chief, Division of General Medicine,Tufts–New England Medical Center
"A Guy's Gotta Eat" is one of those funny, insistent and memorable paperbacks that smack of the absurd at the outset, then open to reveal the smarts that are on the inside. – Robert Rastelli , New Jersey Star-Ledger
"Even though Klettke is talking about single guys in the book, I think there's food for thought here for all of us." – Marty Meitus, Rocky Mountain News
“Chicagoan Russ Klettke was preaching the importance of healthy eating among men long before the era of guy food arrived. His book on the subject was released in 2004. In it, he talked about the importance of avoiding high-fructose corn syrup, among other simple ways to lose weight. It was a novel concept back then, but it is almost a given today.” – Michael Austin, Chicago Sun Times
What was learned in the process of being published?
It's exhilarating to be a book author. It's also a great deal of work – to craft a proposal; secure a publisher; to write, collaborate and edit the copy; and to promote it as it is released.
What I didn't have was a business built around the message of this book. Most books are a poor investment of time if there isn't an enterprise that can be supported by its publication. That said, all published authors demonstrate their ability to conjure a broad message strategy and assemble myriad facts into a coherent argument, seeing it through to publication, distribution and marketing. I'm happy that roughly 8,000 copies were sold and that as many people are shown a different way of managing their nutrition health.
What books can do for thought leaders, experts and innovators.
Anyone of accomplishment has ideas to share. Whether it be through self-publishing or through traditional publishers, hardcopy or digital, those ideas can provide the author or organization a platform for lectures, conferences, workshops, employee recruitment and sales meetings.
Also, marketers sometimes provide e-books that provide how-to advice to a key group of affiliates. One project I completed in 2013 was an e-book directed at independently-owned restaurants that need to compete in an increasingly digital and mobile world. Click here to see The Restaurant.com Guide to Digital Marketing, a collaboration between myself and staff-experts at Restaurant.com.
A Guy's Gotta Eat
The regular guy's guide to eating smart
By Russ Klettke, with Deanna Conte MS RD LD
Marlowe & Co. (now DaCapo Press), 2004
Now in its second printing, it is available where books are sold and in more than 100 library systems in the U.S., Canada and the UK.
What's it about?
From my experience working in the food industry – the public relations firm for McDonald's Corporation, as a public relations manager at The NutraSweet Company, and in communications consulting with a number of food ingredient manufacturing companies – along with a lifelong interest in nutrition, I learned a few things that I thought I could share with the world. Those things are:
In place of diets, pills and potions, real food is the best nutrition available.
Our convenience- and indulgence-oriented culture steer us away from eating properly.
Men in particular are targeted by the convenience food industry, much to their disadvantage. Simple changes, therefore, are their biggest opportunity.
The solutions are relatively simple, once you develop a smart food structure in your life – which is what this book is about.
Note the book was written at a time when the discussion around nutrition was almost exclusively fixed on the Atkins Diet vs. The South Beach Diet. I dared to say it wasn't about dieting at all.